Insolvency resources and insights

Helpful resources on insolvency, business resilience and Voluntary Administration in New Zealand

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  • Voluntary Administration

Liquidation or Restructure? How to make the right choice for your business

Do you need to make a decision between company restructuring and the liquidation process? Read insights from an insolvency expert on ways to choose between liquidation or restructuring and evaluating business viability, helping you make an informed choice for your company's future.

Insolvency in NZ: Quarterly Market Report Mar 24

In our most recent Quarterly Market Report, we see the short-term outlook for many sectors—retail and construction in particular—is grim. With insolvencies rising by 10% from last quarter, what does the data tell us about what's ahead?

Insolvency in NZ: Quarterly Market Report Dec 23

Good news for the tourism and accommodation sectors in the latest Quarterly Market Report for Q4 2023. BWA Insolvency's latest insolvency in New Zealand shows a flatlining of insolvencies, but will it be all smooth sailing now?

Navigating the Voluntary Administration Process: A Step-By-Step Guide

Our latest guide on Voluntary Administration demystifies the process and breaks it down into manageable steps. Understand your requirements, the roles of stakeholders, and how an experienced VA expert can guide your business back to calm waters..

Company Restructuring in New Zealand: Everything You Need to Know

Company Restructuring can provide businesses with strategies for efficiency and sustainability, particularly helpful amidst evolving business environments and market demands. Find out more about what Company Restructuring offers.

Understanding the role of an Insolvency Practitioner

Learn how an Insolvency Practitioner can help if your business is facing financial challenges and how they can assist with procedures such as Voluntary Administration (VA), company restructuring, and turnaround.

Insolvency in NZ: Quarterly Market Report Sep 23

Looking at Voluntary Administrations, Liquidations and Receiverships across New Zealand for Q3 2023. BWA Insolvency's latest Quarterly Market Report provides a telling picture of consumer-facing sectors

Insolvency in NZ: Quarterly Market Report Jun 23

The Quarterly Market Report paints a telling picture of the state of insolvencies in New Zealand. Q2 2023 has seen a 34% rise in insolvencies from last quarter.

What is a Statutory Demand? And what to do if you receive one.

Why have I received a Statutory Demand? Understanding the consequences of receiving a Statutory Demand is crucial in avoiding potential liquidation and resolving outstanding debts.

Insolvency in NZ: Quarterly Market Report Oct 22

The Quarterly Market Report paints a telling picture of the state of insolvencies in New Zealand. Q3 2022 has seen a 48% rise in formal appointments from the previous quarter.

The moratorium in the Voluntary Administration process

The process of Voluntary Administration automatically triggers a moratorium which freezes most action from creditors. Here's what happens during Voluntary Administration.

BWA in the News: Bryan Williams INSOL Fellow

BWA Insolvency managing director and voluntary administration expert Bryan Williams has become the second person in New Zealand to be named a Fellow of global insolvency organisation Insol.

Company Liquidation – the real cost and who pays

The impact of a company going into liquidation hits owners and shareholders hard. But it doesn’t stop there. From employees to IRD, we take a look at the real cost of liquidation and who pays the price.

What to expect if you’re served a Statutory Demand

Received a statutory demand? Understanding the statutory demand process is your best chance to avoid liquidation. Make sure you understand your rights and the tight timeframes within which you must act.

Statutory Demands: Is IRD’s Covid-related leniency reaching its limit?

We were expecting to be busy when Covid first hit, but the predicted economic carnage didn’t materialise. And that’s largely down to the Government’s wage subsidy policy.